Gone are the days when content creators had to do everything from scratch – right from idea generation to editing, proofreading, designing visual elements, and analysing metrics. With the current array of online tools, content creation has become easier than ever before. some tools are free, while others require payment. Unlike the previous years where content creators had to rely on real humans for voice overs, the trend has steadily changed. There are several text to speech ai tools like synthesia, google text-to-speech, balabolka, natural reader ,amazon polly, I speech, a responsive voice: mic monster among others: they all offer free and premium packages. Why should one opt for Text to speech ai tools? Text-to-Speech (TTS) AI tools have many advantages. They make things more accessible for people with vision issues, can handle multiple languages and save time when creating content. They also ensure words are spoken consistently and adapt content to different styles. These amazing tools also tremendously help with learning and understanding. Articulation of hard vocabulary is made easy, customization of features not to forget the money saving aspect. Most importantly these voicing tools work well with apps, can be used at scale, and contribute to better assistive technologies. Overall, these tools are useful in many ways, making tasks more efficient, tailored, and accessible. https://micmonster.com For starters, let me share information about this voicing tool that has been incredibly beneficial to me: this tool offers both free and paid voiceovers. MicMonster is a revolutionary text-to-speech AI that seamlessly transforms any text into natural-sounding audio. The free version allows users to convert up to 300 characters into audio, offering a diverse selection of voices to choose from. Conclusion With a wide range of text to speech AI tools available, your choice depends on your specific creative needs, budget considerations, language preferences, and the intended purpose of the voiceovers. So don’t get stack juggling with humans to do your voice overs. Embrace the new era of simplicity.
Navigating the Design Maze: A Guide for Graphic Designers to Avoid Common Mistakes
Ah, the blank canvas- a boundless realm of possibilities and a daunting challenge formany graphic designers. As I begin this adventure of pixels and vectors, I can’t help butponder the common mistakes that have hindered even the most experienced designers.So, let’s put on our dirty clothes and go into the world of design. As agraphic designer, I am drawn in by the art of creating visually stunning works. However, thejourney to achieving design greatness is filled with potential pitfalls. In this narrative, I will sharemyinsights into the common mistakes that often catch designers off guard, lurking in theshadows of creativity.And in order not to keep the wait prolonged any further, let’s start rightaway. 1: Ignoring the Brief—The Temptation of Design Every design project begins with a brief—a guiding principle that many designers, myselfincluded, have sometimes chosen to disregard. It’s alluring to let creativity take over, butswinging too far from the client’s vision can result in a design disaster. As I navigatethese challenging waters, I will highlight the significance of comprehending the briefthoroughly and explain how straying from it can cause frustration for both partiesinvolved. The significance of adhering to and understanding the design brief, highlighting the consequences ofdeviating from it and the importance of maintaining a balance between creativity and clientexpectations. The Design Brief The design brief would go for a guiding light, playing an important role in the success of any project.The design brief provides designers with an acute understanding of the client’s expectations,objectives, target audience, and together with specific requirements of the project. By neglecting thiscrucial document, designers risk losing sight of the client’s sight of things and ultimately sabotagethe intended outcome. Deviation Leads to Design Shipwreck Straying from the design brief can have disastrous consequences. By incorporating personalpreferences and unrequested elements, designers undermine the objective nature of the project,potentially alienating the client and compromising the effectiveness of the final design. The resultmay be a product that fails to react with its target audience, missing out on both aesthetic appealand functionality. Frustration from Both Sides Ignoring the brief not only leads to design failures but also breeds disappointment and frustration forboth the client and the designer. When a Client decides to invest resources, such as time and money,into a project . There are certain expectations in mind. When those expectations are not met due to adeviation from the design brief, trust can be eroded, leading to strained professional relationships.Likewise, designers may find their creative efforts unappreciated and disregarded if their work doesnot align with the client’s vision. Such challenges can impact future partnerships and hinder bothindividual and professional growth. Maintaining a Balance: Creativity and Client Expectations Design is a delicate balance between creativity and meeting client expectations. While rules canhinder innovation, it is crucial to remember that design is ultimately a service-based industry aimingto satisfy client needs. Designers must find ways to input their creativity while respecting the brief’sguidelines to ensure a project’s success. Benefits of considering the Design Brief Following the design brief brings significant benefits to both designers and clients. A goodunderstanding of the client’s vision and objectives allows designers to show off their skills within thebounds set by the brief. By valuing the first guidelines, designers can enhance communication,simplify the design process, and increase the potential for client satisfaction. Furthermore, fulfillingclient expectations brings in trust and beneficial long-term relationships, presenting opportunitiesfuture partnerships. 2: Font Follies- Balancing Typography Selecting the right font is akin to choosing the ideal spice for a recipe. However, the urgeto utilize numerous fonts can transform a design into a chaotic typographic display.Here, I will tell you about my experiences of seeing and identifying the typographytightrope, hunting more on the importance of consistency, hierarchy, and the carefulutilization of fonts to enhance an overall design. typography, choosing the right font is comparable to selecting the perfect spice for a recipe. It addstouch and personality to it and sets the tone for the entire design. However, just as using too manyspices can result in an overwhelming culinary mishmash, using too many fonts can turn a design intoa typographic circus. Consistency is a primal principle in any design, and typography is no exception to that. Keeping acertain level of consistency plays a crucial role in creating a balanced and good-looking design.When it comes to fonts, consistency should be maintained throughout the entire project. By usingone font for headings, body text, and other elements in the design document, we establish aharmonious visual attachment between various design components. Consistency aids in conveying asense of knowledgeability and helps the viewer navigate the design seamlessly. A haphazardassortment of fonts, on the other hand, can confuse and distract the viewer, making it difficult toperceive the intended message. Hierarchy, another key aspect of typography, ensures that information is organized in a clear andlogical manner. By varying font sizes, weights, and styles, we can effectively guide the viewer’sattention and prioritize important elements. Headings in a bold, striking font draw the eye and conveya sense of hierarchy, while body text in a more subdued font ensures readability. The careful use offonts to establish a hierarchy allows the viewer to understand the content at a glance, without feelingoverwhelmed or lost. On the contrary, a design with multiple fonts fighting for attention createsvisual chaos and diminishes the hierarchical structure inherent in the content. The judicious use of fonts is crucial in typography. It involves carefully selecting fonts thatcomplement each other and the design’s overall theme. Fonts should work together harmoniously,enhancing the visual appeal rather than clashing with the other design elements. A good rule ofthumb is to limit the number of fonts to a maximum of three or four to maintain clarity andcoherence. By considering factors such as contrast, serif or sans-serif, and the desired mood ortone, we can create a visually appealing typographic composition. Too many fonts can lead to a lackof visual unity, making the design appear unprofessional and disjointed. When embracing the challenge of typography, it is imperative to remember that less is often more.Selecting the right font and using it
How To Build a website Using Word Press
Hello, I would like to share with you a great journey on how to build a website using WordPress. Word Press WordPress is a popular and widely-used platform for website-building. It is an open-source, where by it’s freely available, and you can use it anytime, any where. It is also a versatile tool used for building various types of websites like Business websites, E-commerce websites, Educational websites, Port Folio, News and Magazine Websites, Social media websites etc. Importance of WordPress in website development Introduction to the WordPress Dashboard Word Press dash board has elements like posts, media, pages, Themes, Plugins etc where by each element is very important when starting to build your website Choosing Suitable Themes and Plugins For your Website You select a suitable theme and plugin for the website you are going to build and install it. But before installing the Plugin you have chosen, you have to first check and see if the plugin you have installed will be suitable for the website you are building. The plugin chosen should be suitable for the website you are going to build to avoid your website from crushing, if the plugin chosen is not perfect with the website, it may lead to the crushing of your website Building a Website When starting to build a website, you can start from scratch (from the start) or you can choose to use a template which of your choice. If you decide to start from the start, go to pages, click on Add new page, where it will ask you to write the title of your page and after you have given it, then you can can publish your page and it becomes live to be used. And if you decide to choose not to start from scratch, you can choose a template of your choice and import it to your site so that you can start building your website Conclusion When editing your website, the perfect plugin you can use is elementor because it helps you to edit the unnecessary content so that you can put the content you want. Whether you are a blogger, business owner, or developer, WordPress provides a flexible solution for creating and managing websites of all kinds. Join us today in the world of WordPress to help you build your website for the better advertisement of your Business
Integrating FlutterWave Mobile Money Payments with Python Django: A Step-by-Step Tutorial
In this short tutorial am going to show you how to connect flutterwave api to your Django application to be able to collect mobile money payments, for Uganda. But for other countries the procedure varies. First you will install the flutter wave python package , I will assume you have python and Django installed. If you are using python only, not with Django the logic in this tutorial should be easy to follow. Add this view to your views.py, The explanation is below. The code above is a view function that connects to a form in the frontend, where the user has to type their details for payment, that is the mobile number, email and the amount they want to pay. When a post request is initiated some checks are done and the user is redirected to the link sent to by flutterwave for verification, it is found in res[‘link’]. Once you get this link you have to redirect the user to it, so that they can enter the OTP sent to their number. The rest you can see from the code. This “redirect_url”: “”, has to be designed as a webhook, for those who don’t know what a webhook is, It is in simple terms an endpoint where information is sent to. In this context it is the end point where the information about the success of the transaction is sent to, so that you do something with it, like allow the user to access the service you are charging them for. Now you have to design the webhook function , and don’t forget to register the view in the urls.py file in Django directory And that is it you can be able to access mobile money payments. DONT FORGET
Adaptive Layout Design in FlutterFlow for the different screen sizes of a specific form factor
Introduction In recent weeks I ventured into the world of no-code and low-code development. If you ask me, I’d say there are some pretty impressive tools out there, including Bubble and Flutterflow. I was particularly digging into FlutterFlow while using it to build some client products. FlutterFlow is a rather versatile tool that is being improved daily because that’s how fast they roll out updates. Today though I will be talking about UI building in FlutterFlow on specific form factors. So FlutterFlow allows you to build for three form factors which is the mobile, tablet and desktop/laptop but each form factor laptops for instance come in different sizes some being bigger than others and your designs need to be able to adapt and remain consistent on all the laptop sizes. The Layout Therefore for context, we will be talking about the laptop form factor. When starting a design FlutterFlow allows you to choose a screen size which is more or less an aspect ratio at the top of the page. The first thing that you would do would be to select the screen size (resolution) 1920 by 1080 (width to height) which translates to the 16:9 aspect ratio that is preferred by 77% of computer users according to a post on wikipedia. This implies that you would be designing for by far the majority of users. After this, it is always a good idea to begin every component (a group of widgets within a confined space i.e. text, buttons, sections, pages) of your design with a container widget this is because the container enables a high level of customizability and it is the best widget to determine the length and width of sections, rows, columns and widgets within your UI. So to start your design clear out any default widgets and add a container as the first widget on the widget tree. Set this container to occupy 100% width and length. The dimensions of widgets can either be set in pixels or percentages, in certain use cases pixels may be better but generally working with percentages provides more dynamic control of the dimensions. Setting the dimensions to 100% means that that widget will occupy 100% of the screen available therefore taking away the need to do exhausting calculations about the pixels each widget occupies on the screen. You can follow this container with a row or a column depending on your layout. Rows and columns are the most basic layout widgets and do exactly what you think they do arranging items horizontally or vertically. They do not take any dimensions of their own but occupy the space of the widget in which they are placed depending on certain constraints that you set for them which is an entirely different topic for discussion. Consider we have a row containing two sections that are adjacent to one another. First of all, we need to fix the height of the row by wrapping it in a container and setting the container’s height to 20% for instance and its width to 100% so that the row can occupy the entire run along the width. Within the row add to containers and set their dimensions to 100% each because they are constrained by the height of the row. Next, we have to provide them with an expansion setting “Expanded” in this case which makes the widget fill the available space in its parent widget and give it a flex value which works like the weight of that widget within the main axis of the parent widget. So the flex value is more like a ratio like in the image below, I gave the yellow container a flex value of 2 and the teal one a default value of 1. The next step would be to take care of the spacing, now it’s not good practice to have a bunch of padding values on every widget. Generally, when applying paddings it is best to everything at the topmost level i.e. starting with the parent elements in this case the parent element would be the row. The row provides functionalities that allow for the spacing of its children as well as start and end spacing. At the bottom of the row properties section, you can set this value. The value is generally in pixels, there’s an option to apply different values to start and end by switching the toggle off. Conclusion Ultimately, the success of UI building in FlutterFlow for laptops lies in the ability to balance precision and adaptability, creating interfaces that not only meet the preferences of the majority but also seamlessly adjust to the diverse array of laptop screen sizes. This strategic approach enhances user experiences and positions FlutterFlow as a dynamic tool for responsive design in the ever-expanding landscape of digital platforms, happy building FlutterFlow devs 💯 ✌ ️.
How to fetch medium articles/stories automatically to your django site using RSS feeds
I have been working on building my portfolio website using Django as the backend and the front end is HTML and Bootstrap CSS. I needed to populate the recent blogs section on my portfolio because I write quite a lot on Medium and I really wanted to showcase that on my portfolio and the challenge was to automatically fetch my medium blog articles to display on my portfolio site. So the first thing I had to do was check if Medium supported RSS feeds for their articles and luckily for me they did. Medium supports the use of RSS feeds for profiles, publications and topics. You can read more: https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/214874118-Using-RSS-feeds-of-profiles-publications-and-topics For my usecase, I wanted to automatically fetch my articles from medium to django. The feed for each profile can be retrieved using the following URL schema: medium.com/feed/@username or username.medium.com/feed In my case, the URL to fetch my feed was https://medium.com/@jordan-mungujakisa/feed Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of how I achieved my goal 1. Install the feedparser by running the following command in your terminal 2. Get the URL to your feed and save it as a variable in your view. 3. In your view, get the parsed feed using the feedparser library by adding the following code 4. We can then iterate over the feed and extract the fields we need to use in our site Then you can create an object from the fields, create a list of them and pass it as part of the HTML context. Here is how your view should look like after adding the above code Then you can iterate over the posts in your django template and present the posts in your HTML